Are you ready to make money-and lots of it? Can you spare a little time and just a few dollars? If you are prepared to fulfill your dreams and realize your goals, pay per click or mail-order classifieds are your ticket to success. You have what it takes-right now. Classifieds are the best dollar-for-dollar return in advertising, and you can earn a high profit on your product investment.
Classified ads are the easiest to write, the easiest to place, and cost the least to run. They require only simple follow-up, and bring in hundreds, and even thousands of dollars in sales. People read classified ads for a purpose. As with most advertising, they are specifically looking for products, services and information that appeal to them. And a well-placed classified ad on the internet (On PPC, Like 7Search. com, GoClick. com, Findwhat. com, Etc . ), or in Magazines like Home Business Connection, Money Making Opportunities Magazine, And Small Business Opportunities Magazine will bring in hundreds, even thousands of replies or orders for your product or service, week after week, month after month, year after year.
You don’t need a special background to make money in ppc advertising or mail-order classifieds. Any beginner can realize a steady second income or develop a stable, full-time business through classified ads. But you have to be persistent. You must want to make money and stick with it. If you do, you will find that being successful is easy-just follow the steps of those who preceded before you.
What Sells With Classified Ads?
Take a look at the classified ads in the above mentioned magazines, or just visit any of the ppc’s online. Just go to and you will see hundreds of ads, the same classified ads repeated day after day, month after month year after year. For every type of product or service. Why? Only one answer, the advertisers who are running the ads are making money, …plain and simple. And you can too! If you need products to sell, For Information Go Here: Or maybe you want to sell electronics and home appliances on EBAY, or Half. com? If you have a classified ad or ads you can make a fortune with products you can get at wholesale here: (And The Best Part Is You Don’t Need To Stock Up On Inventory, They Drop Ship For You). All you need is a good classified ad, even if you want to sell on EBAY.
The most successful type of mail-order product you can sell is information. You can design a classified ad tailored to your product or service and then all you need to do is wait for inquiry’s or orders. I find If you design a good classified ad, and then make it into a on-inch display ad, your orders increase tremendously. But specialized information in the form of ideas, money-savers or self-improvement can be easily produced on a low budget and readily SOLD AT A HUGE PROFIT. Check out the magazines I mentioned above. You can find out about advertising in these magazines once you finished writing your classified ad through
However , if you need a classified ad written for you, for your product or service, you can have it done within a few days. I am an Advertising consultant and 21 year copywriter specialist, specializing in Internet and Mail-Order/Direct Mail Advertising. I will write an order pulling classified ad for you for only $90. 00. Your ad will pull for years to come and make you many times The $90. 00 fee. If your interested in my copywriting services you can write to me at: Lamont Braxton Dept. A96, P. O. Box 331 Selden NY 11784. And I will send you my free information package on my copywriting services.
Just keep in mind, information in the form of how to make or do something is a constant best-seller. People are always looking for simpler, or cheaper or better ways to improve things. What can you offer?
The 2-Step Approach
The proven method of selling mail-order items of information is called the two-step approach. Here, you simply place a short classified or One-inch ad in any of the Magazines listed above or in a tabloid magazine for your product. The ad doesn’t mention price, but tells the reader to write for further free information. Once you receive the inquiry, you then send the information package you have to offer and watch the stacks of orders pile in. How Much? According To SCORE (Counselors To America's Small Business), Many First time, Mail-Order And Internet Home Business Entrepreneurs Make $50, 000 To $100, 000 within their first year of operation. The key is to start right now. Once your profits starts, you simply roll some of the profits in more, and more magazines, or on more and more pay per clicks. It’s simple, and being done every day. This is the key to making a fortune in mail-order or on the internet. So Get started now. You’ll be glad you did. © Copyright 2006, Lamont Braxton
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