Tuesday, May 15, 2012

E-commerce Application Development

Selling and buying is an integral part of everyday life. Its existence is as old as human in different formats. After entering into internet world, where people prefer everything online, E-commerce is touted as one of the most viable online business opportunities on the Web today. In comparison to traditional brick and mortar businesses, e-commerce site requires minimal start-up cost and with relatively low-risk.

However that does not imply creating an e-commerce site is a simple process; neither does it guarantee your future success. Since it had become an integral part of our nature, every time anyone looks for an ecommerce application they have to start from scratch and needs to redo all the work by just viewing any online ecommerce website and thus ecommerce development becomes a typical job as the progress was not being distributed among the developers.

Especially after the occurrence of open source technologies need of a centralized ecommerce application become mandatory. Keeping this in mind few organizations/groups started developing. Now in the market there are many build-in ecommerce applications, oscommerce, Zen cart, Xcart are few very popular build-in ecommerce applications. Build-in applications are very popular and you get a basic structure with all the required functionalities of an ecommerce application which you can customize accordingly to make it work for you. Some of them are free while few are paid.

At this stage it has become hard to select any application to start your ecommerce business, below are few tips which may help you to select the best possible application.

• Easy Setup of store and availability of contributions and forums: Set up of a store should not be a struggle for you. A good wizard having effusive operational facilities will help you to set up your store in minutes.

Since stores are based on a general requirement, you have to modify it to suit your requirements, availability of free contributions, forums may help you to get the work done quickly and efficiently.

• Data Management: Every online store needs their data to be imported and exported. This facility helps in smooth product management and effortless migration in case we plan to change the hosting service provider.

• Web Analytics: One of the key to the success of e-business is the web analytics. This will help you to understand the business scope and measure your failure rate.

Click here for more information

E-commerce Web Site Hosting -- Business Automation in 60 Seconds

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