Saturday, July 21, 2012

Why Businesses Should Blog

If your business could gain a direct connection to individual customers in the largest customer pool on earth, informing and relating personally to each of them through a medium centered on your business, wouldn’t that be great? Better yet, what if it was free of cost except for the time you invest? Not only is it possible, for many businesses, Blogs have proven to be one of the most powerful ebusiness-customer communication tools capable of producing just that. For this reason alone, at least considering a blog as a strategy for your business should be a priority. Communication and efficiency both stand to benefit.

Bloggers are often likened to preachers or evangelists, which compares favorably to the weak communication loops that are typically problematic between many businesses and their clients. Honest and balanced timely customer feedback can be elusive even with focus groups. The delay in a company reacting to a small problem may allow that problem to gestate into something much larger. Blogging is a savvy way to make up for input gaps from customers by allowing for real-time, voluntary responses from individuals who are enthusiastic about your business or field. This may come in the form of thoughtful suggestions or criticisms of existing aspects of your business that enlighten you to improvements, which you may never have considered. The connection between yourself (as the blogger) and your customers is comfortable and informal, allowing for a conversation that is personal and intimate. As a result, your clients and advocates can respond with no pressure with friendly conversations that you never would have had time for in person.

Business blogging can create buzz that is humanized with one tool and also boost the efficiency of your business in other ways. Insofar as marketing and advertising, a blog has several of the qualities of an internet campaign or other profile-booster. It can compliment (or even serve as) your website, which makes it easier for search engines to find your business. Blog service providers are constructed to be search engine-friendly, and the more sites your blog links to (or that link to your blog), the more traffic your website is likely to attract. Because blogs deliver all of the news of your business in a concise form, it can also serve as an e-newsletter, which can be subscribed to or syndicated with RSS. By making your business available on new syndicatable fronts, your business can attain a frequency and reach with a new level of targeting for business prospects.

Another aspect of the blog that many executives who have turned to blogging espouse is the self-examination of your business that occurs when you blog. The business blogger is compelled to crystallize, organize and define every aspect of the business, both for themselves and for others. In doing so, not only can your business become more refined, it can also “know itself” better. To compliment this, a blog can also be made to work internally (known as an intra-blog) as well as externally, operating as an inter-office communication tool that offers many advantages over e-mail. Best of all, by making communication readily available to anyone with an Internet connection, your business can position itself as a leader in its industry. Additionally , even if your business website is lacking (or if you don’t have one at all), the icing on the cake is that blogs organize information in a way that is easy to read and while remaining attractive to the eye.

Keep in mind that blogging is not a replacement for advertising. It’s a different kind of tool that requires a formal strategy. The good news is that being a great writer isn’t necessary because the personalized impromptu nature of a blog is an appeal to the culture itself. Blogging also does not require babysitter to work. To the contrary: the blog is a tool that is cooperative, intimate, and personal. Moreover, it can give your business the chance to build powerful trust-based relationships with your clientele along as well as endless self-promotion that go hand in hand.

Thinking about blogging but not sure what to blog about? Here are just a few possibilities:

· Use it as a forum to discuss updates on products, services of business activities, and solicit input from new and prospective clients.

· Kick around untested ideas that your customers might be willing to share insight.

· Replace your printed company newsletter or bulletin board with a blog that can serve the same functions. Share information on events, changes in your business, updates on special projects.

· Depending on the nature of your business, you might find numerous other ways to improve the efficiency of your business with a blog. Many universities, for example , now showcase a handful of student blogs on their websites to show prospective students a glimpse of what campus life is like – an effective and cost-free recruiting tool. You’ve likely also heard of the guy who used his blog to barter from a red paperclip to a house in one year.

· Blog about your business industry itself. Network with other professionals from similar businesses and learn from them – all businesses have their own experiences. Still looking for ideas? Consult the web's largest Business Blog Search Engine and Directory by Browse by industry or search to see what some of your competitors are doing.


Business blogging presents a great opportunity to tap into one of the largest communication networks at a fraction of the cost in maintaining a regular Website. To do it effectively for your business, blogging must become “center plate” even though initial rewards come slower and at the expense to traditional mediums. However , with invested time, the fruits of hard work will pay off in the forms of improved customer intimacy, priceless core industry knowledge, and brand equity just to name a few. Best of all, its free for the taking!

Click here for more information

Internet Marketing Company -How to become the HUNTED instead of the Hunter

Friday, July 20, 2012

7 Keys That Helped Me Leave the

On Friday, Aug. 28th, 1998, I finally achieved what I had dreamed about and worked toward for some time.

No, cashing that week's paycheck wasn't what I had been keenly anticipating... Leaving a job I hated in order to work for myself full-time in cyberspace was the dream goal I had finally achieved!

The goal of leaving the "rat race" and calling the shots in one's own profitable business - online or off - is common to many people. At times it even reaches the point of desperation. Some waste thousands of dollars in an elusive attempt to reach it.

If running your own successful business is a goal you'd like to reach, I empathize with your situation. I'll share some tips in this article that helped me "leave the rat race" for my own online business, which may also help you.

Even if you've already achieved self employment, maybe some tips I share can help increase the profitability of your existing business, online or off.

Keys To Leaving The Rat Race

1) Being a doer, not just a dreamer.

One of my favorite sayings is: "When all is said than done, more is said than done. " It's easy to dream and talk about our goals, but we won't get anywhere until we take decisive action.

Before I built a successful online business, I did more dreaming and telling others about my goal than I took action toward reaching it. Finally combining my dreams with action, however , was the only thing that worked.

Caution: Don't confuse taking decisive action with making rash decisions. Temper your willingness to act with sound reasoning and knowledgeable decisions, based on sufficient research.

2) Effective time management.

Time certainly means money in the business world. The ability to manage your time effectively is an asset that can repay you many times over, in both your business and personal life.

Getting maximum productivity from your time is even more crucial if you're working a full-time job at the same time you're building your own business.

Back when I worked for an employer, time usually dragged by. Now I find that working for myself, time just breezes by and I often wonder where the time went!

At one point, I was making money in my own business while holding down my full-time regular job, but not enough to live on. Moreover, I needed more time than I had available in my spare hours to pursue things I felt would increase profits.

I then decided to cut back on the hours at my regular job, which my employer agreed to because he didn't want me to quit. This allowed time to expand my business faster and made the transition to running my own full-time business easier. If you can't or don't want to quit your job "cold turkey, " consider a similar strategy.

3) Knowledge of your field.

You don't have to be an expert in your business field when first starting out. You can grow as you go, but plan on keeping abreast of developments in your field. Do so long enough and you'll become an expert. You can also team up with others who have needed expertise you may be lacking.

4) Persistence.

Despite the hype sometimes used to try to sell "instant, lazy-man's way to riches" types of products, success in business rarely comes easily or overnight. Fact is, it takes persistent effort and plain old fashioned work. Be wary of promises to the contrary.

I empathize with those that must commute 5 or more days a week to a job they don't like. However , that can be a plus. It was a strong motivation for me to persist at my own business until I went full-time. Whatever your own motivations to persist may be, they will prove useful.

Tip: It will be much easier to persist if you select a field of business that you like, as opposed to pursuing something just for the money. Then your work can be fun, not drudgery.

5) Focus on presenting solutions, not just on selling products and services.

I'm a believer in the business philosophy of "succeeding by helping others succeed. " Focusing on helping clients solve their problems and achieve their goals through your products and services contributes more toward long-term success than just focusing on "selling" them products and services.

6) Self-discipline.

Now that my "office" is just a few steps away when I awake in the morning, it's easy to sleep in. With no boss to "crack a whip" over you as a self-employed entrepreneur, self-discipline is definitely needed. Since likely no one will see that things get done but yourself, you need to be a self-starter.

7) Marketing skills.

Regardless of what business you're in, marketing is the tool used to present the solutions that your products or services offer to the rest of the world. As the saying goes, in business "Everything is marketing. "

Marketing is a skill. And like any other skill, it can be developed through knowledge and practice. Entrepreneurs can never learn too much about successful marketing.

You, Too, Can Leave The "Rat Race"!

As more and more employees of large corporations have been discovering to their dismay, neither seniority - nor years of company loyalty - guarantee any real job security. In view of this, staking one's claim in the digital Wild Wild Web seems even more attractive.

Of course, there's much more involved in leaving the rat race than can be covered in this article, but I've shared seven of the most important keys to success.

No, leaving the rat race may not come easily, nor overnight, but it's certainly possible and can be well worth the effort. If followed, these keys can help you leave the rat race, too.

Click here for more information

Successful Video Commerce - Video Marketing

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Critical Aspects Of Social Media And Its Overall Effectiveness

Social media has established a prominent presence as form of marketing utilized by companies in countless industries worldwide. There are a variety of inherent factors that can prove to substantially increase a company’s brand equity and visibility, or possibly victimize a company’s reputation. The way in which a social media strategy is implemented and monitored can go a long way in determining its overall effectiveness. Today’s market features a wide array of consumers who have certain expectations of brands, products, and services. Discontented and social media savvy consumers are simply awaiting any opportunity to voice their opinions via twitter, facebook, and associated social channels. This makes it even more vital for a company to thoroughly research and consider what methods of social media are most appropriate and beneficial to their needs.

There are a number of steps that can be taken in order to avoid the aforementioned social media disasters that occur frequently in today’s online marketplace. The first involves being realistic and properly understanding the relationship between conversations on social networks and other types of customer interactions. The next step includes utilizing a multi-channel strategy for customer sales and service. While social media is quite effective, interactions taking place at brick and mortar locations, on toll-free lines, and during online customer service chats are also very important in providing a comprehensive view of consumers’ opinions. The following step focuses upon viewing your data and evaluating the technology that is currently in place in order to understand consumer behavior and the voice of the customer. The final measure that can be taken to avoid social media disaster is to have a designated employee that specializes in the customer experience delivery chain.

A company that does not currently possess a strong presence in social media does not have to fear making a huge investment in social media. There are a number of low cost options that can be practiced to make that initial leap into the realm of social media marketing. Starting a blog about relevant industry news, trends, or intriguing applications of your product line is an excellent way to embark into the world of social media. Creating a LinkedIn group, facebook page, twitter account, a customers-only discussion forum, or a youtube channel can provide unique opportunities to present and inform users and fans alike of current company highlights and information.

The key to a company’s successful use of social media is all about the results and the ability to properly measure them. Industry analysts are publicizing self-service business intelligence as the so-called “golden child” of 2011. In terms of marketing, one area that could widely benefit from self-service BI is social marketing. There are a number of best-practices that can be employed in order to measure social media effectiveness using BI solutions. Mapping out the ideal marketing process flow that will best transform prospects into quality sales leads is an exceptional starting point. Another practice involves determining the online marketing initiatives and campaigns that will be implemented to attract and engage prospects. Selection of the appropriate outlets to use is quite important in safeguarding the effectiveness of these initiatives.

Each initiative that comprises the marketing plan must then have a pre-established audience profile, outreach, value proposition, and budget that you are willing to spend. The most appropriate set of keywords must then be identified to ensure optimal website content that is designed for those specific keywords. Identifying and adjusting paths on social networks, aligning the website experience with specific landing pages, and setting goals for desired actions are all best-practice techniques in order to ensure continuity. It is also vital to measure all of the initiatives that are being used at a given time to display your activity, outreach, engagement, and outcomes. An even more thorough approach includes tracking all the way through to incremental sales, revenue and gross profit that is derived directly from online marketing. Business intelligence allows insight at the appropriate times during your social media campaigns. It offers the ability to instantly alter campaign focus and direction. social media marketing can greatly benefit from the use of business intelligence as marketers can produce and exhibit greater value in their social media outreach campaigns.

How to Drive Traffic - The Holy Trinity of Social Media Marketing - Facebook

Monday, July 16, 2012

Stay at Home Moms and Dads; Let's Make Money from Home!

I am always advised by some of my friends and relatives that I'd better to find a job and spend some time out of home. I really don't know why they advise me to do that while they are not happy with their jobs, getting up early morning everyday, taking the kids to daycare or leaving them with the babysitter and.... The worst part of their life is the money they make with their full time jobs. The luckiest one can have 10 bucks per hour after paying tax. They also have to pay for gas and other expenses that their cars have every month.

So what advantages does working out of home have for them? Why do they encourage me to do something that they are not happy with it? The advice I always give them is much better. I advise them to stay at home and let their kids grow under their nose. They don't know how pleasant it is when you see your baby takes his first step or says his first word. Most of them are used to hear these news from their babysitters.

You may be a mom or dad with the same issues and problems with your full time job. I don't want to ask you to quit your full time job right away, stay at home and think about working from home. I always try to teach people on my weblog and articles to be broad-minded and not to make any limitation for themselves. They can use their extra time they will have when their kids are slept or at the weekend to find some extra streams of income. Even if you don't need to make any more money and you are happy with your current income but sooner or later you will need some more money. Your children will grow up and there will be many new things that you will have to provide for them. So it does worth if you spend some of the time you are used to spend to take nap or watching TV on finding good ways to create some new streams of income.

But how to get started?

1- First of all please keep in your mind that I do not want to tell you that you will become rich by working from home in a few weeks or even months. In fact you have to avoid all the get rich quick programs. I emphasized on this because I know as soon as people decide to try a working at home business, they turn on their computers, look for a easy work at home job that fits stay at home mothers or dads. It is the time that they can be cheated by scammers. So this is the first thing that you have to take into consideration if you want to work at home and make some extra money.

2- You need to get organized for spending some time on this business every week. This is like other businesses. Only serious and organized people can succeed. If you are a person who starts several businesses and becomes interested in different things but gives up at the first steps or if you become interested in different things just because one of your friends or relatives calls you and talk about it for a few minutes and then you lose your interest even before trying, just because one of your other friends calls you and says she doesn't like it because of this and that, then you have to change yourself before you start a work at home business and become a stay at home mom (or dad).

I have been working from home online for many years. I could achieve to refer 22, 000 people to one of the legitimate work at home programs and teach them everything that I knew but only few of them could make money. Not that it was hard to do. It was not hard because I could do it and a lot of other people could do it before me. Just because they were not serious and organized. They had not made a serious decision. This is the most important step. If you decide seriously and then take action and don't give up, you will be able to become a successful stay at home mom who not only enjoys being with her family and children - and of course her children enjoy her presence at home - but can make reasonable amount of money.

3- Improve some of your computer skills. You don't have to be a rocket scientists to work at home but you need to know the basics of computer and internet. When you want to work online and through the internet, you will be dealing with these terms very frequently:

- website
- weblog
- web directory
- email
- link
- search engine
- search engine optimization
- electronic newsletter or ezine
- autoresponder
- forums or discussion boards
- internet marketing
- advertising
- email advertising
- banner and banner advertising
- pay per click advertising and pay per click search engines (PPC)
- joint venture
- link exchange
- domain registration
- web hosting
- auction websites; e. g. eBay

Do not scare if you have not heard about some of the above terms. They are very easy. Soon you will know that working from home and through the internet is much easier than what you thought.

Just open one of the main search engines like Google and enter any of the above terms that you are not familiar with. You don't have to learn in detail. Just the basics is enough for getting started.

4- After improving your knowledge, decide what you want to do to make money. There are zillions of ways to make money from home by using your computer. You will have main options:

- Sell your own products or services
- Sell others' products or services

Don't think that you have to have a factory for having a product which can be sold through the internet. Your product can be very simple things from candle, wooden cross and... to your articles, cookie recipes and e-books.

It is also as easy as 1, 2, 3 to promote others products and earn commissions. There are thousands of affiliate programs that you can join and become able to promote thousands of different products. Some affiliate programs pay as much as 75% commission to the affiliates.

Good Luck!


Copyright 2006 Judy Taylor. She is a stay at home mom who has been working from home since 2001. Visit her new weblog: Stay at home mom.

How to make money with Banner Ads - 4 Best Ways

Can Internet Marketing Be a Long Term Business?

Here is the basic honest truth: most of the people get into internet marketing because they are convinced it is an easy way to earn quick money. Their approach is to make a fast website, put up some advertising and a few affiliate links and then sit back and watch while they earn real cash. There are a large amount of individuals who do this and also earn lots of money on the internet. But what if you want more than some extra or even quick cash (quick cash, naturally being a misnomer)? Can internet marketing really be leveraged to produce a worthwhile and long term career?

The quick and dirty answer is that yes, you are able to make internet marketing your long term and sustainable career. You only need to take on the project properly. The procedures and programs you use to build something to earn fast money are not all that different than the methods and systems you will use to build long term profits. So what would you do if you need to develop a sustainable career on the internet?

It is very important that the first thing you do, in order to earn long term money online, is accept the fact that you are going to have to do real work. You will have to do actual and real work on a daily basis and you will have days when you feel fantastic about what you do and days when you wish you could find something else to take on. This causes it to be just about like every other occupation that is out there. If you want to produce lasting cash flow by working lots right now and not at all later on then you are going to be in for a rude awakening in a little while. So be ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

There are a few ventures that lend themselves much better to a long term career than others will. affiliate marketing, to use one example, is a great task for someone who wants to earn money on a part time basis or to supplement your already existent income. Is it truly possible to earn a full time income in this manner? You could if you pick out only the right products and then work like crazy to promote them. A far better approach, nevertheless, is to create your own products or websites and then promote those. This gives you full control over the projects you take on and how you accomplish them. And you will end up more likely to stick with it in the long run. If you want to give a service on the web this works much the same way. Writers, for example , need to create websites for themselves and create portfolios that they can point to as examples of their work.

Finally, perhaps the most significant thing that you need to recognize is that, when you want to build a long term and reliable income on the internet, you need to truly dedicate yourself to your task. You might have fun and feel rewarded by your efforts but first you should tell yourself "yes, I really want to do this. " Making a half hearted effort is not about to get you anywhere.

Billion Dollar(Niche Marketing)Secrets

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tips For Setting Yourself Apart From the Affiliate Marketing Crowd

It's no secret there is money in affiliate marketing, in fact there is great money in affiliate marketing if you align yourself with a good company with good products.

The reason there are some failures and jaded feelings about affiliate marketing is because people don't think about what the very phrase means. There are two words to consider. Affiliate is a definition that comes to most people quite easily as it means "A person, organization, or establishment associated with another". Easy enough. The second part of that phrase is the one that will make or break your efforts to be a success in affiliate marketing.

Marketing. People think it means knocking on doors, making hundreds of phone calls, sending out thousands of e-mails, just to market your product or service that you're selling through an affiliate network. True, you are an affiliate of a company and you are selling the same thing as dozens of other people, how to you set yourself apart from the crowd?

Establish a relationship with your prospects. When you contact someone about the product or service that you're representing through your affiliate marketing program, your initial contact is not about making a sale or a fulfillment order, it's about establishing a relationship with your potential client. Setting yourself up to establish a relationship with your prospects takes a little preparation but it's not hard to do.

If you're marketing your affiliate program through cold calls, first of all, make sure you're targeting the right market. You can't build a relationship to your prospects marketing services if the person you're contacting has no base interest in your affiliate network service or product. Many affiliate marketers get discouraged because they feel every proverbial door is slammed in their faces. It's not that they aren't good sales people or they have chosen the wrong affiliate network to market, they have simply chosen the wrong venue to sell those affiliate marketing services to.

When you're marketing your affiliate program from your own website. First all, make sure there are no frames. You might as well be wearing Harry Potter's Cloak of Invisibility if you're going to frame a webpage. Your site won't show up in return results because it won't be indexed by the major search engines.

Next, throw out useless graphics, do you really need that dancing sack of money on your website? Screaming sales fluff words "It's the BEST" or empty promises to prospects mean nothing and quite frankly, turn most people off from anything of substance you really had to say about your affiliate marketing program. Instead, think about what you would want to know if you were joining an affiliate marketing program. Write your website as if you were speaking to one person only, the person that is reading your website at that moment.

You can build a relationship from the get-go through your website and e-mails by addressing common problems most people have. No one is looking to join an affiliate program because they have too much money. People want to join a legitimate affiliate marketing program because they need money for various reasons. Use that as a beginning for making a starting point in a business relationship.

On your website, tell a little about how the affiliate marketing program took you from a paycheck to paycheck existence and you can now afford certain luxuries that were your motivating factor. You wanted to take a vacation, help put your kids through college, buy a new car, or pay off your credit card bills. Think about the issues that originally made you want to get into affiliate marketing, there are a good majority of people that feel the same way and they all have the potential to be part of your affiliate marketing network.

Invite a dialogue with people. You can't have a relationship with your prospects without open communication. Tell people they can contact you and ask you questions and when they do, be friendly but remain businessnesslike. It's a fine line and you'll find it quickly. One successful affiliate marketer would answer his various prospects questions sent via e-mail and then always throw in something about the weather he was experiencing. Could be the snow on the ground, the drenching rains that would drown a duck or just the heat that made him wish for an ice cream truck from his youth. Just that one sentence made him more real to his potential clients. They would write back wanting more information and then tell him about their weather. It seems small and insignificant, but it's really huge. He was giving people a real person to deal with. Not an affiliate marketing program, not a faceless website, not the black and white text of an e-mail, but an honest to goodness friendly person they wanted to join up with all because he talked about the weather.

When you're using relationship based marketing for your affiliate program, you're not trying to create a best friend - you are creating an honest, trusting business relationship and there's nothing stronger. Studies have shown people will stick with an affiliate marketing program longer if they have a comfort level with the people they are dealing with. Relationship based marketing does exactly that.

Now that you know how to create a loyalty to your affiliate marketing program, use these tips to make yourself stand out from the other affiliates and boost your network base and your affiliate sales!

Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Tutorial AWESOME

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Business Writing: Commonly Misused Words

We use writing every day in business. Does your writing make you look more professional or less professional?

There are some words that are commonly used interchangeably, when in fact they have different meanings. Here are a few of the words that are frequently used incorrectly.

You're and Your:

The word "you're" is a contraction for "you are".
Correct: You’re a good friend. (you are)

The word "your" is used to imply possession or ownership.
Correct: Is this yours? (possession)
Correct: I like your new car.

Sale and Sell:

The word "sale" and "sell" are not interchangeable. Sell is a verb, used to show what the noun (person, place, or thing) in the sentence is doing. “I am going to sell this. ”

Sale is most commonly used as a noun, such as in the sentence "There is a big sale at the mall. "

Correct use of both words: “I am going to sell this shirt at a garage sale. ”

Too and Two:
The word “two” is the number 2 .
Correct: There are two flowers in that vase.

The word “too” usually means “also”.
Correct: I would like to swim, too. (I would like to swim, also. )

Prefixes Such As "Un", "In", and "Non":

Each word has only one correct prefix.

Correct: Unpleasant
Incorrect: Impleasant, nonpleasant

Correct: Irreversible
Incorrect: Inreversible, nonreversible, unreversible

A Lot and Alot:

The words "a lot" are correct. "Alot" is incorrect and there is never an occasion in which it should be used.

Good and Well:

Good is an adjective. Adjectives are used to describe nouns.
Correct: You are a good dog.

Well is an adverb. An adverb is used to describe a verb.
Correct: You are behaving well.

You wouldn’t wear a dirty shirt to a business meeting, so don’t let your writing make you look bad, either.

Click here for more information

Writing Quality Articles to Make Money Online

How To Start Forex Trading - Very Useful For Forex Beginners Who Have Low Budget To Start!

Every forex beginner knows what is forex trading but the only one question for them is to how to start. As of now there are many tools, trading systems and software that are in use in daily trading. The big mistake that every beginner does is that they get tempted to the hype of forex trading robots or to some forex trading software and they start trading and finally end up with loss.

I am not against to the forex trading robots or to any software, but my point here is that it is not the right time to use a forex trading robot or a software when you are as beginner. We can use the robots and software at a later stage.

Here is a step by step plan on “How To Start Trading”. So let's start.

Plan For The First 15 Days – Phase 1:

Before you start trading you should always know the basics of forex trading and the terminology related to the forex market. This is not a big problem. If you goolge it, you can get lot information which you can't even digest. Or visit my website and subscribe to the free e-course in which you will be provided with all the needed knowledge and information on forex trading. At this stage nothing to hurry up, first finish off the basics of forex trading. Normally 10 to 15 days of time is really good enough for any average joe to be ready with basics. But we shall put it to 15 days of time.

Note: At this stage my kind request is not to get tempted to start real trading. Please do not start.

When you start learning basics in the first 15 days, along with it you also need to get register with any forex brokerage firm which is in this industry for a long time and very reliable. I suggest you to go for Easy forex Brokerage firm or forex Yard Brokerage firm as they are very reliable and the registration is completely free. After registering you can use their demo accounts for your practice and they will never force you to start real trading. So you can take enough time to practice on their demo accounts. Practice on the demo accounts as much as possible until you feel comfortable with them and this practice is really needed.

Be patient. There is still a long way for us to go and do not start real trading!

Plan for the Next 10 Days – Phase 2:

Now in phase 2, you need to learn when to start a trade by finding the entry points and also need to learn when to exit the trade by finding the exit points. For this you need to learn in depth of what technical analysis is and what fundamental analysis is. You can google them, but you cannot put them in an order to learn. If you subscribe to our forex beginner course, you will also be provided with free e-books on technical analysis and fundamental analysis at the end of forex basics course. I kindly request you to go through all of those e-books steadily, but do not hurry up. This is very critical phase which you need to concentrate a lot because this is the point where you exactly learn what is the real forex trading and this phase leads you to become a forex winner. To learn about all the useful technical analysis methods and fundamental analysis methods, normally 10 days is good enough.

Even now please do not start real trading.

Plan For The Next 15 Days – Phase 3:

The next 15 days you need to apply what you have learned till now and practice on demo accounts of either Easy forex Broker or forex Yard Broker.

Watch any of the TV channels such as NBC News, CNN Money, forex News Channel, etc which provides you the forex news. Now pick the points in the forex news. Now start co-relating the news with what you have learned in technical analysis and fundamental analysis and you need to find the entry and exit points for a trade.

Daily try to find at least 8 to 10 profitable entry points and exits points and start trading on your demo account. Make a note of all the entry points which have given you the profits and also remember the factors depending upon which you have derived that profitable entry point. Practice this for at least 15 days and at the end of 15th day you will be able to find at least 5 best profitable entry and exit points a day. Finding the best profitable trades is nothing but building a forex strategy for your trading.

So end of 40th day you will be in a position to trade forex on real account. Till now you have practiced the trades on a demo account so there will not be any involvement of emotions but once you start trading with real account emotions come in and they may lead you into loss. So you need to control your emotions and need to exit the trades as per your calculated exit points. Now you can go little advanced and try some automated tools such automated forex trading signal software which can generate the entry and exit points for you.

All the hard work in 40 days needs to be done by you as there won’t be any mentor for you other than yourself. Right now there are some online forex mentors who can mentor you such as FAP Winner as they are the best till now in mentoring the beginners. But they will charge you around $300 a one time payment. It is up to you to decide it or practice by yourself.

Commodities Market vs. Stock Market vs. Foreign Exchange Market | Forex Day Trading

Monday, July 9, 2012

Setting The Best Price For Your Ebook For Maximum Profit

Choosing the right price is one of the most critical parts of the marketing process. Finding this right price will lead to profit maximisation

Your eBook has been written and compiled. Now you have to decide how much you are going to charge the public for the eBook. It is absolutely essential that you find the right price for your eBook. If you don’t charge enough, people will think it's of little value, and they won't purchase it. If you price it too high when compared with your competition, you will have to start lowering it, believe me this can lead to some big problems. For example , if you sell your ebook for $27. 99, and later reduce it to $22. 99, don't you think the people who bought it for $27. 99 are going to be a little annoyed.

Choosing the right price for your ebook is one of the most critical parts of the marketing process. The one thing you should never do is under price your eBook. You should first determine, what would be the highest price your potential customer would pay for your ebook, and then if it doesn’t sell, reduce it accordingly. Before you take that step, make sure you are promoting your book like crazy on the Internet and on websites. When trying to set the price always remember that the customer will rate the quality of your eBook according to the price. So what you need to do is start with the highest price and then you should start your launch and marketing campaign.

You must remember when considering your price, that eBooks are not hardcopy books. Let's look at the difference between a book in print and an ebook. A printed book is an object you can hold in your hand. It is priced on factors such as paper stock, design and production costs, and marketing.

It is the IDEAS that are valuable! That is how you determine the cost of your ebook.

What should I charge for my ideas?

There are all different formulas and methods for determining the correct price for your ebook. Decide if your goal is to get wide distribution and maximum exposure. This goal is aimed at drawing customers to your business or service, or to establishing the credibility of your reputation. If this is the route you want to take you should aim to price your ebook on the low side. This is an excellent pricing strategy if you are looking to acquire long-term customers. Long-term customers are extremely likely to buy from you again and again as long as the first ebook they buy is of exceptional quality and benefits the customer.

However, if your book contains valuable information and more importantly NEW information, references, or techniques, then you should aim to price it higher.

After you figure out your goal, you must figure out what your audience's need is for your ebook. For example , does your book solve a particular problem? If it does, and solves it in a way that hasn't been written about in one hundred other ebooks, you will be able to achieve high sales at a high price. If your book solves a problem or answers questions in a new and unique way, you should price your book as high as you can go. You will achieve larger profits this way, but bring in fewer customers. Just make sure the question or problem that your book solves is one that is important and relevant to the majority of your market audience. If your ideas are not common knowledge, or you are presenting a brand new technique, you will be able to sell books at a high price. Just be prepared for your competition to undercut you on price as soon as they hear about your book.

Marketing Strategies

There are several other strategies that can help you sell more books. One is to give something away for free with your book, such as a valuable bonus item. Or bundle several ebooks under one price, which lowers the price for each ebook if they were sold separately.

An effective technique for figuring out a price is to send out a survey to your current customers. If these customers have already bought an ebook from you, ask for their opinion in terms of price. Do this by creating a sales page for the new book, but don't include a price on that page. Instead, add a number of links to survey questions that ask pointed questions to aid you in assigning a price to your ebook.

Another strategy is to test out prices by creating a number of duplicate sales pages with different prices on each page. Make sure your sales copy is exactly the same on every page, and includes your selling-handle sentence. Then figure out for each page the conversion ratio between visitors to your site and sales of your book. This will tell you what your optimum price is.

Ultimately, if you've written a book that solves a problem or presents a new technique, your book will bring in both traffic and profits. So be sure to write that selling-handle sentence that sums up what problem your book solves and what the benefits of your book will be to the customers who purchase it. And then watch your market come to you!

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How To Automate And Outsource Traffic Generation With West And Tyrone

Thursday, July 5, 2012

How to Get the Search Engines to Crawl Your Site More Often

If you're interested in making your site more attractive to search engine crawlers so you can generate more free traffic for your site then you've come to the right place. The Google crawl rate is nothing but the total frequency with which their bots visit your site and index new content. Some websites go a long time in between crawls and this prevents new material from gaining valuable page rank. But you can change that by making your site more crawlable.

It's important to invest a little time and attention to optimize the photos on your site. Images that aren't optimized usually aren't good for the overall performance of your site in the search engines. It can also lead to a less than favorable crawl rate for your website. But the real question is how to get that improved crawl rate. You can do many things to optimize images like placing keywords in the name of the file, resizing images properly, and using captions that are designed to appeal to search engine crawlers. While these may seem like simple steps they can have a huge impact on how often your website gets crawled by the search engines.

You need to make regular updates to your site's content.

The problem with this is that this might mean one thing to you and something else entirely to someone else. This doesn't mean that you have to update your site ten times a day; just make it happen more often and you're good to go. Google has a deep appreciation for sites that add new information often and rewards that by indexing their information and updates faster. This is the way that Google uses to let website owners know they've noticed them and like what they see on these sites.

The most basic thing to do when trying to enhance your site's crawl rate is to submit your website's URL to Google. This is something that is quick and easy but effective. In fact , the more search engines you submit to the better your exposure will be. Additionally you'll want to check that you're getting the right header response.

Give Google what it wants and you'll have no trouble at all attracting those famous Google bots to your site every other day. These are all steps that are easy to duplicate and apply to every one of your sites for fast results. Most website owners have no idea how important proper optimization is for their websites. It only takes a little effort on your part to make your site more attractive to them but the rewards are well worth that effort.,,

Click here for more information

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